Who is God? What happens when I die? What is my purpose in life? What should I do as a career? Should I put Jesus first in my life? Some big questions that need to be answered. At Oak Mound, we want to share the Bible with you, so you can answer these questions. The Bible has the answers to every question in life! At Oak Mound, you will find people who love and care about you. Teenagers need to be a key part of our church. We hope you will make the choice to come and see us.

"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12

Sunday School
Sunday's at 9:30am

Sunday School is a place to get your questions answered. Each week we gather to hear the Bible taught, share prayer requests, and have a good time together. Come and see us at Sunday School!

Teen Camp

Camp is the higlhlight of the summer! Each summer anyone entering 7th grade through graduating seniors have a great time at camp! There is always great food, games, singing, preaching, skits, basketball, water games, paint ball, canoeing, kayaking, zip-lining, team competitions, and much more. It is a great time for you to draw closer to each other, but more importantly closer to God.

Various Events

Growing Closer to the Lord and Each Other!

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